What if you loose all your photos, yes every single one of your photos in your phone, laptop, usb drive. Even worse imagine loosing every single bit of your digital data. What if you had to start from a fresh laptop, mobile phone. That's a pretty close explanation of what I had to go through in 2010.
A few years ago, around 2010 to be exact I lost all my data due to a hard drive failure. I was able to recover some of it but to this day regret the incident. I was keeping all my data. on a single usb hard drive. I should have known better. Hindsight is 2020. Once bitten, twice shy, I have rotated between various complex, high maintenance solutions to the current compromise. In this article I will explain how I do this at present day.
Backups vs Snapshots
First lets talk about snapshots. Having backups is good but what if you need to recover a photo you deleted 2 weeks ago. What if you wanted to recover a version of a file you changed 2 days ago. This is where snapshots comes into play. The key is to find the right balance between snapshot cadence vs retention.
I use rsnapshot to achieve this. It's available for most linux distributions. The one I use is rsnapshot for Arch. The idea is to have a config for different snapshots. I have one for daily, weekly and monthly snapshots. Then choosing the right execution mechanism.
- Daily snapshots kept for 7 days
- Weekly snapshots kept for 5 weeks
- Monthly shapshots kept for 12 months
Space / Disk Capacity
Having many snapshots doesn't mean you are gonna have many duplicate copies of data. For example, having 7 daily snapshots doesn't mean you will have 7 copies of the same data.
rsnapshot is based on
rsync. It it only stores one full copy and then the deltas needed to generate the rest. If nothing changed the same source will be symlinked into all snapshots. This means the space usage is going to depend on the variation.
Lets assume you only changed one file in your backup target within the last 7 days. This means the 7 days snapshots will have only 1 duplicate file. Thus this is relatively cheap on storage.
Snapshot Executions
I use a
systemd based timer and a
service to fire the snapshots. You can achieve the same using
cron if thats your preference. I will post some examples towards the bottom.
My data lives on a nvme ssd attached to one of my servers. The snapshots live in a NAS drive. This does give some redundancy. To prepare for hardware failures I have another layer of protections. I keep a rsync based backup of the snapshots on 2 external usb ssd drives. One of those USB drives are stored outside of my home. Syncs on the hard drive kept away from my residence are only done a few times per annum. It still provides a reasonable redundant solution. It's all about the compromises ...
Lets get into some tech details now.
Technical Details
I'm not gonna talk about setting up
cron. Nor wanna go into details of
systemd services and
timers. That's a subject of its own. I will provide some sample scripts though.
rsnapshot I needed a configuration. The installation generally comes with a default well document config just as any good linux package.
Example Section
The settings are self explanatory. Some notable ones are explained hereafter.
Backup levels section was changed from the default "alpha,beta...." to read "daily, weekly, monthly" to increase readability. The number next to it denotes how many backups of each category are stored.
This means I have a in time snapshot of my data for the last 7 days. In time backup of my data for last 5 weeks etc.
systemd service file thats used to run the snapshots are given below. The filename of the service is 'ranapshot@.service'. This becomes relevant when writing the systemd timers.
Then each snapshot has it's own timer set to run at the correct cadence
That's a wrap forks. Hope you enjoyed.
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